Copyright 2018 Alice Billman CA Cert #1933 (562) 708-1202
"Alice Billman is an accomplished Hellerwork Practitioner who brings to her practice the sensitivity in dealing with people that made her a successful businesswoman.  Her work empowers her clients and creates transformation in their lives."

Joseph Heller Founder, Hellerwork Structural Integration

Call Alice at 562.708.1202 for
an appointment.

Hellerwork is a powerful system of somatic education and structural bodywork which is based on the inseparability of body, mind, and spirit. Hellerwork makes the connection between movement and the body alignment, and restores the body's natural balance from the inside out.

During the 11 session series, (click here to download the Client Handbook) the structural balance of the body is realized through the systematic release of muscle and connective tissue using a variety of gentle deep-tissue bodywork techniques. This restores the body's optimal natural balance and posture. Movement education is incorporated to enhance fluidity and ease of motion which helps the client develop a deeper awareness of their body and its expression in the world. Self-awareness facilitated through dialogue is an important component of the Hellerwork series.

Hellerwork is based on the assumption that every person is innately healthy. The client's results are maximized by creating a deeper experience of the integrity of their body, their movement, and their relationship with themselves, with others, and with the world around them.

What is Hellerwork?

Hellerwork is a series of one-hour sessions of deep tissue bodywork and movement education designed to realign the body and release chronic tension and stress. Verbal dialogue is used to assist the client in becoming aware of emotional stress that may be related to physical tension.
The number of sessions can vary from person to person due to the varying needs of individuals. The plan of the series is organized along the eleven sections described on the "Sections pages" and each section can take one or more sessions to accomplish the desired result.

Hellerwork is an integrated system designed to recondition the whole body. It is not a remedy for illness; rather, it is a process in which people are moved from their current "average" state to an optimal state of health and well being. This optimal state of health is the body's "normal" and natural condition.

Although Hellerwork may be effective for temporary pain or tension relief, we recognize that pain and tension are usually the result of an overall pattern of imbalance occurring in the body. Rather than treating the pain or tension "symptom" of this imbalance, Hellerwork focuses on rebalancing the entire body, returning it to a more aligned, relaxed and youthful state.

To fully understand how Hellerwork works, you must learn about connective tissue, and how the force of gravity impacts the connective tissue system of the body in such a way that it moves from a "normal" into an "average" condition.

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